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Webster University Tashkent at Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service offers a professional degree program to help you excel in your current or future career. 

MBA Spotlight


[Music begins and continues through the entire video.]

Text on screen: WEBSTER UNIVERSITY PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT: Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Text on screen: Steve Hinson, MBA Program Director

[Footage of Steve Hinson being interviewed.]

Steve Hinson: The whole curriculum is about value creation, even beginning from the very first course, which is titled Value Creation.

Text on screen: VALUE CREATION

Every course needs to point toward the same goal.

[Lengthy montage of photos with various students learning.]

The marketing class you take, that's all about creating value for customers. In finance, we're talking about how we create value for shareholders, how we measure value. In the capstone, we're looking at how we measure value more broadly, how is it affecting workers, the environment, and of course, how is it affecting the bottom line?

[Another montage, but with unique stock photos intertwined with pieces of Hinson’s interview.]

For a classic MBA program, what you – what you typically find, the courses were very siloed. The finance class really has nothing to do with your marketing class or your work behavior class. And then it's really up to the student after they finish the MBA program to try to integrate this knowledge and figure out how all these pieces fit together.

Having this thematic approach to the program makes the program a lot more coherent.

Text on screen: One global MBA program, MULTIPLE MODALITIES

[Images depicting logging into Webster’s Connections or scrolling Webster’s website on various platforms such as on a laptop or a smart phone.]

We've actually developed all of the course content upfront, so every student is interacting with that online content, and Webster University, no matter what the modality.

[A third montage of students studying in different locations mixed with more sections of Hinson’s interview shot.]

We offer the MBA program in three modalities now. We offer the traditional on ground.

Text on screen: 1. In Person

We offer classes by Zoom, what we call WebNet+. And then we offer fully online classes, which are completely asynchronous classes.

Text on screen: 3. Fully Online

[Another montage of students learning, studying or talking and professors teaching with Hinson’s interview in between shots.]

Regardless of the modality you choose at Webster University, everyone shares the same course content. We've got this really robust platform. We designed it very carefully with the instructional designers. It's very accessible. Go online, you learn it, engage with it, and then come to class, let’s talk about it.

Text on screen: A diverse network of PRACTITIONER FACULTY

Really, what class is about, is the three Cs. We are coming for clarification, for context and for collaboration.

Text on screen: clarification, context, collaboration

Our faculty add context, helping students understand the applicability of the knowledge. The instructor is a subject matter expert. We'll make it make sense, but hopefully we can get passed that pretty quickly because the real value to you is that we provide the context:

How does this apply to my job? How does this apply to what I'm reading? How does this apply to companies I know and experiences as both consumer or as an employee? Really understand how this applies in the real world, so that how it applies for you. 

Text on screen: An innovative approach to BUSINESS EDUCATION

[The photos and interview shot montage continues.]

What a business does is it takes existing resources and combines them to create something of greater value. We’re creating value for our customers, creating value for owners and we're creating value for all the other relevant stakeholders.

And everything always points toward that singular purpose. If you're interested in getting an MBA, you're trying to figure out how can I gain a lot of experience and a lot of knowledge very quickly so that I can speed up my career trajectory.

All the courses are really focused on how does business and the activities of business all coordinate with each other synergistically to create value for all of these relevant stakeholders so that no matter where you are in the organization, we want you to be able to see: Okay, how do I fit in? Why do I exist? What it is that I'm trying to accomplish? What are we trying to accomplish together?

[Music swells as the montage ends. The background changes to blue with several photos of Webster University buildings, and a layer of the ACBSP logo on top.]

Text on screen: Proudly accredited by ACBSP, Global Business Accreditation



Students talking in a group, one standing, three sitting.

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Students talking in a group, one standing, three sitting.

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